We have the technology and tools you need to be successful in your classes.
Windows/Dell computers are readily available throughout the Libraries for student use.
The computers have:
- Internet access
- Printing / Print from Your Device
- Microsoft Office 2019
- Adobe Creative Cloud Suite (requires account creation with any email address)
Doyle / All Floors
Mahoney / All Floors
Disability Resources Workstations are also available at both libraries. Doyle / See Map. Mahoney / All Floors.
Flatbed and feed scanners are available in the Print & Copy Rooms. Use scanners to make digital copies of materials into the following formats: Scan-to-USB, Scan-to-Copy, Scan-to-Smart Phone, Scan-to-Google Drive, Scan-to-Audio and more. Scanning is free.
Doyle / See Map
Mahoney / 1st Floor
Laptops + Hotspots
Currently enrolled SRJC students and staff with current SRJC ID cards are eligible to check out laptops for:
- Full semester loan, or
- Four hour loan
The replacement fee for laptops is $750. The borrower is solely responsible for the laptops during check out period, including damage, loss or theft.
A limited number of hotspots are also available.
Doyle / 2nd Floor / Tech Gear Desk
Mahoney / 1st Floor / Circulation Desk
Request a Full-semester Hotspot
Both Doyle and Mahoney Libraries offer printing from either our desktops (login using your SRJC number and pin) or from personal devices. Print jobs may be picked up in the print rooms using the same login information you used to send the print job. The Print & Copy Rooms also have copiers. Printing and copying costs $.10/page for black and white or $.35/page for color.
- Print from your device or use a library computer to print.
Doyle / See Map
Mahoney / 1st Floor
Calculators are available for checkout from both libraries. We have calculators for short-term and semester-length checkout.
We have the following:
- TI84 Graphing calculator
- TI89 Graphing calculator
- TI30X Scientific calculators
Doyle / 2nd Floor / Tech Gear Desk
Mahoney / 1st Floor / Circulation Desk
Other Good Stuff
We also have:
- Zoom Backdrops
- Noise Cancelling Headphones
- Phone Chargers
- Whiteboard Markers
- Mice & Trackballs
- Card Readers
- Owl Meeting Cameras (faculty/staff)
Doyle / 2nd Floor / Tech Gear Desk
Mahoney / 1st Floor / Circulation Desk

SRJC Libraries Computer Login FAQ
SRJC library users are required to sign in with a Santa Rosa Junior College ID and Personal Information Number (PIN) to access library resources. Look up your ID and PIN from the SRJC Web Portal.
Residents of Sonoma County, 16 years or older, who are not currently enrolled at SRJC, may apply for a Community User account which offers one-hour of library computer use daily on designated computers.
To apply for a Community User account, visit the Tech Gear Desk at Doyle Library, or the Circulation Desk at Mahoney Library. You may be asked to fill out an online application form, which will allow you to obtain an SID number and PIN code. Eligible patrons must present a current, valid form of government-issued photo identification that indicates residency in Sonoma County and must have an active email address.
If you are having trouble logging on, please visit a public service desk at either library.
Computer Use Policy
Computers at the SRJC Libraries are provided to support education and learning at the College. This includes doing research for class work, preparing and printing class assignments, using class Web pages and discussion forums, e-mailing instructors, and other related activities. Computer users are bound by the SRJC Computer and Communications Technology Use Policy.
You are encouraged to e-mail documents to yourself or to use a USB storage device, such as a flash drive.
Wireless is available throughout both libraries for use with personal devices or laptops available for checkout.