As partners in teaching and learning, we help you find the best information for your students.

A Librarian Just for You
We can help you navigate the depth and breadth of our online and physical libraries, so that you can connect students with the resources they need most for excelling with their projects, papers and assignments.
We love to meet with you to make recommendations for the best databases for your students or provide tips on how to integrate library services into Canvas or your in-person class.
SRJC Librarians are also available to meet with your classes on a variety of topics, including developing research topics, searching for information, evaluating information, citing sources and more.
Find your Library Liaison
Additional Services
Research Databases
We have around 60 databases of online content including, academic journals, eBooks, popular magazines and newspapers, streaming media and other specialty content.
Use Smart Search to search across most of our content at once or browse individual databases. You can preview some of our databases by viewing individual Tutorials.
Get in touch with your library liaison to learn about the best resources for your discipline.
Streaming Media
SRJC Libraries also has an extensive media collection (searchable through Smart Search), as well as streaming collections available through Films on Demand and Kanopy. For other films, please submit a Streaming Media Request.
Course Reserves
Faculty can place materials on reserve at both Doyle and Mahoney Libraries.
Almost anything you'd like your students to read or use can be placed on reserve. Reserve items are given shorter borrowing periods so that everyone in your class gets a chance to use them. For more info see: Textbooks on Reserve.
Make a Request
If you would like to request a book for SRJC Libraries to purchase, please submit a request form.
InterLibrary Loan
We can borrow books and obtains copies of articles from other libraries when these items are not part of our library collections. Please see our InterLibrary Loan page for more information and request forms.